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Terms and Conditions

By completing our purchase form, you agree to the terms set out on this page. If the form is submitted by a third party, the third party agrees that they have explained these conditions to you.

ICE Terms and Conditions may change at any time at our discretion.

All credit card information is deleted from our system when the cost of a registration has been authorized. Absolutely no one, except your own financial institution, has access to your credit card information.

ICE activities and workshops:

If you participate in any ICE activity, you acknowledge that ICE may take photographs or video of any class or activity that you may be involved in. You understand that you will not be offered compensation of any kind – financial or otherwise if the images or video are used for marketing purposes. Any result of the photographs or video may be used in the production of ICE marketing material and shall become the exclusive property of the Institute for Creative Exchange. If at any moment you decide not grant authorization for your image to be used, please let us know via email at .

We reserve the right to cancel any activity or workshop 48 hours before the start of the workshop, in case a minimum number of participants is not met. If the workshop is cancelled, a full refund will be issued within the following 48 hours after cancellation.

Refund Policy
A place in our Immersion Series is offered on the condition that the full payment is received prior to the workshop start date.

If you cancel your participation in writing, before receiving the Preparation Materials, you will receive a full refund, within 30 days of your cancellation notice.

ICE will not refund fees if the participant cancels after the Immersion Series workshop start date.

Program Content
ICE Immersion Series: ICE Immersion Series are collaborative programs on which participants will develop creative work together with the assigned Series Directors. Directors are invited based on outstanding achievement in the arts, literature or cultural practice. If participants agree, the work produced could be submitted for distribution or publication. Terms and conditions for distribution will be defined by the incumbents.

You agree that the Institute for Creative Exchange Americas Inc. (ICE), its employees, directors and agents shall not be liable for any such personal injury, death, or property loss and release ICE and its employees, directors and agents and waive all claims and respects thereto. This includes all transport to and from any activity arranged by ICE, its employees, directors and agents or any misfortunate event that may occur during the Immersion workshops.

For international participants and for workshops we strongly recommend to acquire an international medical insurance. ICE is not responsible for medical emergencies during the dates of the workshop.

ICE store

All artwork is certified by ICE and you will receive a certificate signed with your purchase.


You can return your purchase within 30 calendar days after the purchase. Please email for return instructions. A refund will be issued to the account used for your purchase as soon as ICE receives the item returned. ICE will reserve the right to hold the refund if the product is damaged when returned.


In case the item sold by ICE is damaged or defective, ICE will send a new product to the customer upon return of the defective product.