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Pola Oloixarac Will Talk With Us Next Friday, March 19 At 12:00 pm EST.

After publishing her first novel, Las Teorias Salvajes(Savage Theories), Argentine writer Pola Oloixarac became a key player in contemporary Latin American art and literature. Her craft showcases a form of writing that goes beyond the limitations of genre and the borders of the page itself.

TPL & the Institute for Creative Exchange, Americas Present: Pola Oloixarac – Beyond the Page

After publishing her first novel, Las Teorias Salvajes(Savage Theories), Argentine writer Pola Oloixarac became a key player in contemporary Latin American art and literature. Her craft showcases a form of writing that goes beyond the limitations of genre and the borders of the page itself.

Her latest book, Mona, is a raw account of female desire and violence, topics that are difficult to discuss without falling into stereotypes or macabre descriptions. And yet these are urgent topics that require the literary honesty shown by this young author.

Oloixarac joins host Salvador Alanis to speak about her artistic journey, her stance towards total expression regardless of genre, her forays into film and music, and the ongoing success of her novels. 

Note: This event is in Spanish with English subtitles.

About this event’s guests:
Pola Oloixarac
Salvador Alanis

Salvador Alanis

Salvador Alanis

Co-founder of the Institute for Creative Exchange. Salvador loves coffee and has a soft spot for fountain pens...


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