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Hi Mom.

Yolanda, it's been a long time since I wrote to you. I remembered you because of the Spanish Gecko Turner.

Yolanda, it’s been a long time since I wrote to you. I remembered you because of the Spanish Gecko Turner. I remembered that a year after you left, he released an album, and I listened to it with great joy; it was the first thing that moved me, and I thought and wrote to you at that moment, I told you that it was worth staying alive. Your void was filled by a dozen songs from a guy who has no idea we exist. On Friday, Gecko released a new album seven years later. I felt the same; I miss you so much, Mother. I hope you can listen to this with me and, as Sabines said, stand on my shoulders and see the world from my eyes. I love you; I will write to you soon.

Gil Del Valle


Armando Lopez

Armando Lopez


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