Conversación con Mariana Enriquez en la Universidad de Toronto

Sol Henaro nos habla de la memoria

Tuvimos el gusto de conversar con la Directora del Museo Universitario del Chopo en la ciudad de México, Sol Henaro, acerca de su trabajo, su perspectiva sobre la construcción del archivo y lo que significa la memoria en el arte contemporáneo.
You can watch our Unfold documentary here

121 min.
Unfold explora el proceso creativo y el surgimiento de 20 artistas mexicanos en la década de los 90 que actualmente tienen una participación preponderante en la escena artística internacional.
Presentation of The Abduction of Proserpina by Cesar Aristides

28 min.
Introducing the first ICE Press title, The Rape of Proserpina by César Arístides. In the Borghese Gallery, in Rome, there is the sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini “The Abduction of Proserpina”, a work impressive for its beauty and perfection.
Video by Maleea Acker

Video by Maleea Acker
Presentation of The Abduction of Proserpina by Cesar Aristides
1 min.
We present the first title from ICE Press, “El Rapto de Proserpina” by César Arístides. In the Borghese Gallery in Rome, there is Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s sculpture “The Abduction of Proserpina,” an impressive work known for its beauty and perfection.
Two poems by Maleea Acker

The work of Canadian poet Maleea Acker is always intimate and surprising. She has the
ability to discover subtle connections between the landscape and our consciousness.
“The Palace” by Nicolás Pereda

Nicolás Pereda invited us to watch his short film El Palacio (The Palace) in preparation to our coming Film & Collectivity workshop, to be held on May 23-27.
Film & Collectivity workshop by Nicolás Pereda

On our last Film & Collectivity series, Nicolas Pereda worked with the group to create the draft of a potential new film. With founded footage and shooting with their phones, participants put together their points of view around displacement and exile. Here’s the film.
Chiara Bernardini, lead singer of Kick, recommends music shows in Toronto