Jacarandas in CDMX

Tuesday, February 8, CDMX. Believe it or not, in this atrocious and at times beautiful city the jacarandas have already begun to bloom.
Super Sunday CDMX

Sunday 11:20 p.m., CDMX. Super Sunday, or at least that’s what our neighbors to the north make us believe. The world cup had 4 billion viewers; the super bowl 103.4 million, everyone under the sky of it.
Hi Mom.

Yolanda, it’s been a long time since I wrote to you. I remembered you because of the Spanish Gecko Turner.
Buying used: is its real purpose disappearing?

121 min.
I had always thought thrifting was a cheap way to shop: I could buy a brand-name shirt at the Salvation Army for just a few dollars instead of spending twenty-five or more for a new one at a clothing store.