Sol Henaro nos habla de la memoria

Tuvimos el gusto de conversar con la Directora del Museo Universitario del Chopo en la ciudad de México, Sol Henaro, acerca de su trabajo, su perspectiva sobre la construcción del archivo y lo que significa la memoria en el arte contemporáneo.
You can watch our Unfold documentary here

121 min.
Unfold explora el proceso creativo y el surgimiento de 20 artistas mexicanos en la década de los 90 que actualmente tienen una participación preponderante en la escena artística internacional.
“The Palace” by Nicolás Pereda

Nicolás Pereda invited us to watch his short film El Palacio (The Palace) in preparation to our coming Film & Collectivity workshop, to be held on May 23-27.
Rita Kamacho on Art & Ephemerality

Performance artist, Rita Kamacho, presented this work as a result of our Art & Ephemerality workshop. The group watched from Artscape Youngplace Mezzanine two women throw flags as an ephemeral expression of time passing.
Ximena Berecochea: The Stone In The Snowball

The Stone in the Snowball is based on Ximena Berecocha’s reading of the novel Fifth Business (1970) by Canadian writer Roberson Davies.
Gerardo Montiel-Klint Talks About His Lates Work

We talked with Gerardo Montiel about his latest work called “Finlandia” and the things that influence his creative process.