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Who started this?

Salvador Alanis

Salvador Alanis (b. Mexico City) is a poet and cultural promoter. He has an MA from the University of Toronto and is studying for a Ph.D. at the same institution. His interest in interdisciplinary work has led him to experiment with the visual arts, video, and performance, as well as producing film and television. He has an extensive career in Marketing with 500 Fortune companies. Alanis has been a communication consultant for cultural institutions and social organizations in Mexico and Canada. He was awarded the Latin American Entrepreneur of the Year by the Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Most Distinguished Mexican Abroad by the Mexican Government. He is the President of the Mexican Global Network in Toronto. He has been a fellow of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts on four occasions, and his work in electronic media has won multiple international awards. His books, written in Spanish, have been translated into English and French. He has collaborated with magazines and newspapers in Mexico and Spain. Together with photographer Ximena Berecochea, he co-founded the Institute for Creative Exchange in Toronto. With the Institute, Alanis directed and produced the documentary Unfold, about the generation of Mexican artists that emerged in the 1990s. Alanis is currently a recipient of the Literary Creation Grant by the Ontario Arts Council.

To know more about Salvador: Wikipedia

You can find some of his work process here.

Ximena Berecocha

Ximena Berecochea is a photo-based artist who simultaneously has developed an academic career in the field of literature. Besides her degree in Photography, she holds a Ph.D. in Latin American Literature from the University of Toronto, and she currently teaches at the University of Toronto, Mississauga. She has shown her work in solo and group curated and juried international exhibitions in Galleries and Museums in Mexico, Canada, the US, Spain, and China. She has been awarded and supported by the Ontario Arts Council, Banff Centre for the Arts, and Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA). Her photographic work is part of the Walter Phillips Collection of the Banff Centre for the Arts (Canada), the Fototeca Nacional del INAH in Mexico, of Del Carmen Museum Collection (Mexico), and different independent collectors in Spain, Mexico, Canada, and the United States. She is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte in Mexico. The conceptualization of language, representation, and aesthetics are fundamental to her artwork. Ximena translates or expands literary forms to visual production and explores the possibilities of the photographic medium. The through-line of her most recent works is related to diaspora and how images can articulate the experience of being and connecting in specific contexts. She grapples with questions of belonging and of alienation, working not to suture but to expose and articulate the fissures.

To know more about Ximena: Wikipedia.

You can see Ximena Berecochea’s work here.