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“The Palace” by Nicolás Pereda

Nicolás Pereda invited us to watch his short film El Palacio (The Palace) in preparation to our coming Film & Collectivity workshop, to be held on May 23-27.

Film & Collectivity workshop by Nicolás Pereda

On our last Film & Collectivity series, Nicolas Pereda worked with the group to create the draft of a potential new film. With founded footage and shooting with their phones, participants put together their points of view around displacement and exile. Here’s the film.

Rita Kamacho on Art & Ephemerality

Performance artist, Rita Kamacho, presented this work as a result of our Art & Ephemerality workshop. The group watched from Artscape Youngplace Mezzanine two women throw flags as an ephemeral expression of time passing.

Santee Smith will conduct an immersive workshop in Mexico

We’re very excited to announce that Santee Smith, Artistic Director of Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, will conduct an immersive workshop in Tepoztlán Mexico. This is an amazing opportunity to collaborate with one of the most important Canadian contemporary choreographers. Tepoztlán is a magical village situated by Tepozteco Mountain. Sign up now to attend to this unique […]

Gerardo Montiel Klint Will Conduct Our February ICE Immersion Workshop

Gerardo Montiel Klint is one of the most important photographers in Mexico. His work is part of museums and collections all over the world. Montiel Klint designed an immersive experience for our ICE series, called Photography & Sound. Participants will explore synesthesia as part of the photo creative process. Sign up now to this workshop […]

Interview With Gerardo Montiel Klint

Gerardo Montiel Klint talks with Salvador Alanis about his work and what he plans to do in the workshop he will lead at the Institute for Creative Exchange.

A Note About ICE on Channel 22 in Mexico

On September 4, Edgardo Bermejo dedicated his section, Cultural Diaspora, to the work of ICE. We are very grateful to Edgardo and the Noticias 22 team for the note. You can see it here